Parent/Student Handbook

For a printable version, please download the Parent/Student Handbook.

2023 Fall Semester Schedule Information

Co-op Calendar Dates

August 5, 2023 – Open House (10 – 12pm)

August 16, 2023 – Class Registration Deadline

August 21, 2023 through November 10, 2023
           {12 weeks instruction for Fall Semester}

{{No classes in December for Winter Break}}
October 13 – 15, 2023  –  Homeschool Families 
                                        Camping Trip @ 
                                        Abilene State Park
October 20, 2023 – Living History Museum Q&A
                                and Sign Up
November 17, 2023 ~ Living History Museum
                                   & “Friendsgiving” Potluck
December 1, 2023 – Christmas @ Denton Valley
                                  Farms (more info will be     
                                  given closer to season)
December 8, 2023 – Parents Night Out 
December 21, 2023 – Holiday Pajama Party
****Class Cancellation – Studio One HRC will follow Abilene Independent School District’s weather closure policy. This information is issued through local news/radio/internet. We will also update on our facebook page and send text alerts. Make up days will be announced if needed.**

2023 Studio One Homeschool Resource Center Parent/Student Handbook

Tuition: There are no tuition or membership fees to attend classes at Studio One HRC or to use the resource library. If there is a cost for a field trip, the fees are collected when you sign up and passed onto the third party. (Most places require one group payment in order to receive the group discount, so the studio facilitates that. If you purchase your tickets directly through the third party, then the studio will not collect any money.)

Minimum Requirements: There are no minimum registration requirements. You pick what classes, field trips, social functions you want to do. One class, two classes, 7 classes, only want to participate in field trips and parties? Completely fine – it’s whatever works for your family and schedule.

Supplies: Most standard supplies will already be available in class. If there are any special supplies needed, it will be listed in the class description ahead of registration. The students will also need a backpack/bag to carry their supplies/class materials in. If the students are bringing their own personal supplies to use, please have them clearly labeled with their names.

Homework: By registering your child for a class, you are agreeing to the expectations set forth in the class description. You are expected to make sure your child completes all assignments/ homework for the class.

Attendance/ Absence Policy: If your child will be absent for a class, please notify Studio One HRC by phone or text at 325-513-0251 as soon as you know. If you (the parent) will not be able to be present, you may have another adult fill in for you, just send a text ahead of time so we can note it and let the teacher know it has been approved by you. If you are a teacher for a class, please contact the studio asap so we can arrange for a substitute to cover for you or let parents know the class has to be rescheduled. Attendance and punctuality are important for the co-op semester to be a success. Too many delays or absences means we will not be able to complete class requirements in the 12 weeks scheduled. 

Illnesses Policy: Participants should not attend classes/functions if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms: 

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea (within the last 24 hours)
  • Eye Drainage (Pink Eye)
  • Virus/Infection (known to be contagious)
  • Rashes (contagious)
  • Head Lice
  • Fever (within the last 24 hours, unmedicated)

If your child requires any medications, please keep it with you and administer as needed.

If your child becomes ill in class, we will contact you immediately. If your child becomes ill directly after attending class/field trip, please contact the studio so we can let the other parents in class know if there is an exposure concern. Please keep in mind that this policy is essential for the health and protection of all the children and families. Please remind your child to practice healthy habits (washing hands, covering cough, using hand sanitizer).

Snack & Food Allergy Policy: If your child has a food allergy or special diet restrictions, please provide a safe snack alternative for them and notify their teacher with specifics (type of reaction, epi pen use, etc.). Please also note these specifics on their enrollment forms. The studio has plain animal crackers, pretzels, and cheerios for snack options. Your child is also welcome to bring a drink/ reusable sports bottle that they can fill from the water jug. Please make sure it is labeled with their name.

***The studio does have a small kitchenette area. Students who have morning and afternoon classes are welcome to bring a lunch/make their lunch at the studio. Please remember to clean up after yourself – trash, dishes, etc. If you need to keep any food items at the studio, please label them clearly with your name/date. Please be respectful of others’ food and do not help yourself without permission. The fridge is cleaned out every Friday and anything left (where applicable) will be thrown away.

Drop Off Policy: The studio operates as a cooperative. We need as many hands-on-deck as possible to help with classes. If there is not a need for helpers for that particular class, you are welcome to work on other projects or visit in another room. If you must leave for any reason, you MUST designate another parent who will be responsible for your child. Our drop off age is 12 years old. Children younger than 12 years old must have an adult on the premise that is responsible for them. If you will be dropping your child off for classes, a signed waiver needs to be on file.

Behavior/Discipline Policy:  We understand that we have different learning, teaching, and parenting styles; so we encourage the teacher to discuss with the parents an effective disciplining procedure for their child. (time out of class, fidget activity, redirecting, positive stickers, etc.) There is never physical discipline/actions at the studio. If the student is being a danger to themselves or fellow students, the parent will be contacted immediately to have the child removed from the class. A meeting will be arranged with the student, parent, teacher and director.
We believe in following the Golden Rule and showing respect at Studio One HRC –

  • Students will cooperate in class, listening and following directions.
  • Students will respect the property of Studio One HRC.
  • Students will respect their peers and teachers. They will not harm others with their actions or words. 
  • Teachers will respect students. They will not harm others physically or verbally.
  • Out of respect for one another, please avoid religious or political discussion at the studio.
  • Visit with, encourage, and respect other adults present. Any personal disagreements should be handled privately outside of class time/studio attendance.
  • Please be respectful of classes in session and the learning happening. We welcome parents and students to visit with each other (when not in class) but please be mindful of noise levels.
  • Please stay in designated class/studio areas. 
  • Personal calls and texting during class time is unacceptable for both parents and students.
  • Electronic devices are not permitted during class time unless it is part of class and will be provided/monitored by the teacher/studio.
  • Bathrooms are to be maintained and kept orderly. Proper bathroom etiquette must be observed. If there is an issue with the bathroom, please let the studio staff know immediately.
  • Children will not be unattended or isolated in rooms behind closed doors. The studio maintains an open door policy. The only exception is a parent helping their own child. If there is ever a question or concern, please contact the director immediately.

Parking: Please park directly in front of the studio. Please do not park next to the building (the area between Lads & Lassies and the Studio. You may also park in the parking lot across the street directly in front of our building. 

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