2019 Fall Semester

Backyard: Open Garden Hour 8-9am
Classroom 1
BKBeats (P.E.) 10-11am
Spanish Club 11-12pm
Volunteering @Wisteria Place 1-1:30pm
Backyard: Open Garden Hour 8-9am
Classroom 1Classroom 2
Cook With Books 10-12pm
Sensory Centers 1-2pm
K/5 Science 2-3pm
Robotics 3-4/5pm
StoryCraft 10-11am
Book Club 11-12pm
J/HS Formative Writing 1-3pm
Backyard: Team Play (P.E.) 8-9am
Classroom 1Classroom 2
Quest Club 10-12pm
Musical Prodigies 1-2pm
Lego Club 2-4pm
American History 1-2pm
All About The 50 States 2-3pm
Minecraft Meetup 3-4pm
Backyard: Little Explorers 10-12pm
Classroom 1Classroom 2
Kids Crafts 10-11am
Spanish Club 11-12pm
Math Games 1-2pm
K/5 Science 2-3pm
Art Around The World 3-4pm
Top Chef Cooking 10-12pm
J/HS Formative Writing 1-2pm
J/HS Book Club 2-3pm
Backyard: Open Garden Hour 8-9am
Classroom 1
Fiber Arts 2-3pm
Open Game Time 3-5pm
BKBeats: Music, dance, and drumming come together in this fun for all ages p.e. class. Instructor Miss Bambi
Spanish Club: Learn and practice Spanish with games, songs, and friends! All levels of learners welcomed. Instructor Miss Bambi
Cook With Books: This class will use stories to introduce cooking to younger children. Instructor Miss Kim
Sensory Centers: Student will have some hands-on fun learning at centers for reading, language, fine motor skills, and logic.
K/5 Science: We will be exploring the Human Body this semester. Instructor Miss Bambi
Little Explorers: The focus of this class is to engage preschool age children in nature by exploring themes and senses outside and around Abilene. Instructors Miss Jess and Miss Michelle
StoryCraft: Students will be using Minecraft to develop writing skills and creativity. They will be utilizing the writing process and elements of a story in conjuction with their Minecraft creations. Instructor Miss Jess
J/HS Formative Writing: This class focuses on developing writing traits by exploring various genres of writing. Instructor Miss Jess
American History: History Alive! Students are learning about the history of the United States. Instructor Miss Bambi
All About The 50 States: We are exploring the 50 states with games, songs, videos, and fun! Instructor Miss Bambi
Top Chef Cooking Class: Culinary basics with hands-on learning. Students will earn badges by mastering culinary techniques. Instrutor Miss Kim
Musical Prodigies: Students learn music through numbers (scale degrees), note names (CDE), Solfege (Do Re Mi), Hand signs, and Colors. Instructor Miss Bambi
Art Around The World: Class focuses on art from different countries and cultures around the world. Instructor Miss Bambi
Robotics: Come explore robots and programming at the studio. We have robots for all ages including Botley, Dash & Dot, and Line Following Instructor Mr. Scott
PreK K/1st 2nd/3rd 4th/5th 6th-8th High School
Little Explorers *          
Cook With Books * * *      
Top Chef Cooking Class       * * *
Sensory Centers * * *      
K/5 Science * * * *    
StoryCraft       *    
Tuesday Book Club       *    
Robotics   * * * * *
Musical Prodigies * * *      
All About The 50 States     * *    
Kids Crafts   * *      
Spanish Club * *   *  
Math Games * * * *    
Art Around The World * * * *    
Team play (p.e.) * * * * * *
BKBeats (p.e.) * * * *    
Fiber Arts   * * * * *
Minecraft Meetup     * * * *
J/HS Formative Writing         * *
American History         * *
J/HS Book Club         * *
Lego Club * * *      
Garden Club * * * * * *
Field Trips & Community Service * * * * * *

**********Suggested class placement. Enrollment in a class is always at parent’s discretion of child’s abilities. **********

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